Thursday, November 27, 2008


hi my fellow friends and i was shocked to see the news that my own country was struck by terrorists.Mumbai was the financial capital of the country,were the terrorists created a alert the place was entirely covered with commandos and military persons.more than 100s of people have lost their life and many was injured including is surely a strike to India as a major economic power.

is the life is becoming unsecured now a days...can we make this world a wonderful place with peace.what makes the terrorists to do such brutal crimes.the terrorists said that they do this for Indian Muslims..Muslims in india was living in pieace .the problem is that some leaders and some enemy countries do this for some greedy needs.
may this day be an alert to all of as against terrorism.don't give your mind to some bloody leaders,give it to peace.hope all of you will take a moment to pray for the victims of terrorism

what should we can do more to overcome this mate??????????

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